Product Overview
Modelled after a small country cottage, this 12’ x 8’ Double Entry Shed is sure to enhance your backyard décor while providing plenty of storage and access to your outdoor gear. The vinyl siding provides a great clean look and is available in many different colour options. Easy to maintain and resistant to rain and moisture, your vinyl siding can last up to 30 years or more. The unique design features a standard gable roof, but with an extra gable over the eaves-side entry door. Two windows with shutters and planters complete the attractive shed front. Large swingout doors on the short side allow ample clearance for loading in and out large items. The real advantage of this dual entry shed is convenience: you can access big items like riding mowers and snowmobiles from either end¬¬, and you don’t have to open up the big doors just to grab a rake or shovel.
Modelled after a small country cottage, this 12’ x 8’ Double Entry Shed is sure to enhance your backyard décor while providing plenty of storage and access to your outdoor gear. The vinyl siding provides a great clean look and is available in many different colour options. Easy to maintain and resistant to rain and moisture, your vinyl siding can last up to 30 years or more. The unique design features a standard gable roof, but with an extra gable over the eaves-side entry door. Two windows with shutters and planters complete the attractive shed front. Large swingout doors on the short side allow ample clearance for loading in and out large items. The real advantage of this dual entry shed is convenience: you can access big items like riding mowers and snowmobiles from either end¬¬, and you don’t have to open up the big doors just to grab a rake or shovel.
- All Home Hardware Building Centre and Home Building Centre Locations
- Complete floor system including all joists and sheathing
- Complete roof system including two ridge beams, rafters and shingles
- All wall materials including plates, studs and door trim - Two fixed-pane windows with shutters and planters - All vinyl siding - All necessary hardware and fasteners
- Detailed construction plans
- Step-by-step instructions for cutting & assembly - Consultation with a Home Hardware Backyard Projects expert
- Foundation materials
- Advanced difficulty level (requires minimum of two people)
- All tool requirements, cutting and assembly are your responsibility
- Strongly recommended: experience reading construction plans and using power tools and hand tools
- Use Home Hardware’s trusted Home Installs Service, ora Home Hardware recommended contractor, at participating locations
- Consult all local building department and by-law requirements before purchase
- Check with local utilities for easements and underground service locations
- **NOTE** Images are for illustration and inspiration purposes only. Products shown are typically a sample product only of the same model. Details of a selected product may vary from the product shown depending on the materials and features chosen. Finished project may not be exactly as shown.
Info & Guides
Style | GABLE |
Entry | DUAL |
Door Size | MIXED |
Building Type | STORAGE |